The Little Ball That Could

The Little Ball That Could is a unique marble platformer that will test your skill and your curiosity! One moment, you'll be dodging lasers as you're looking for the lost gems; the next, you'll be doing crazy aerial acrobatics to reach the switch that sets your friend free!
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StudioNaissusWorks (2)
Base Price$8, seen as low as $2
OwnersLess than 20,000
Reviews89% Positive (26 positive, 3 negative, potentially 89.7%)
TagsGenre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Puzzle, Platformer, 3D Platformer, Puzzle-Platformer - User tags: Minimalist, Futuristic, Replay Value, Fast-Paced - Others: Full controller support, Passed Steam verification - Also compatible with: MacOS, Linux
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