Undungeon Arena

(Alternative name: UnDungeon Prologue)
Become a space gladiator and battle across multiple arenas in this standalone roguelite experience set in the Undungeon universe. Featuring the new playable character - Marduk.
Steam game
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NoteF2P (Unavailable) (Free to play, removed from Steam store)
Release Date
StudioDeveloped by Laughing Machines (5)
Published by tinyBuild (191)
Reviews85% Positive (55 positive, 10 negative, potentially 84.6%)
TagsGenre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG, Hack and Slash, Top-Down, Rogue-like, Rogue-lite - User tags: Pixel Graphics, Sci-fi, Surreal, Beautiful, Story Rich, Colorful - Others: Free to Play, Full controller support
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