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Re: Issue(s)
« Reply #180, on January 22nd, 2018, 10:13 PM »
Barter redesigned the page.
This broke importing of tradables / wishlist

Nao 尚

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Re: Issue(s)
« Reply #181, on January 24th, 2018, 05:58 PM »
Did my fix work, BTW..?


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Re: Issue(s)
« Reply #182, on January 24th, 2018, 08:16 PM »
Yes, it's working again =)

Nao 尚

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Re: Issue(s)
« Reply #183, on January 24th, 2018, 09:13 PM »
Their site didn't have internal changes, it simply removed a line at the bottom of the page and that was enough to break the scraper. ;)


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Re: Issue(s)
« Reply #185, on May 7th, 2018, 08:35 PM »
Free to play games aren't addable. This is done to avoid errors. Why should I allow for this one to be added..? Just in case.
Re: Issue(s)
« Reply #186, on May 7th, 2018, 08:38 PM »
Hmm was it actually free to play at one point or was this a mistake at steamspy..?


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Re: Issue(s)
« Reply #187, on May 12th, 2018, 08:14 PM »
No idea if it was free to play or not.
It's just a collector's item at this point; a removed game.

Nao 尚

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Re: Issue(s)
« Reply #188, on May 12th, 2018, 10:26 PM »
My best guest is that steamspy had it as free to play by mistake at one point and later fixed it. Unfortunately their API changed as well and tag retrieval is currently on hold. I can add new tags but can't remove old ones. Which is usually not a problem...


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Re: Issue(s)
« Reply #190, on June 5th, 2018, 08:34 PM »
It's a bundle ID (i.e. you only pay for stuff you don't own), AFAIK these aren't supported directly. I don't remember for sure. You'd need to ask Barter to fix the link. But if it doesn't have a matching sub ID, it's gonna be hard to integrate.


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Re: Issue(s)
« Reply #191, on June 6th, 2018, 11:23 PM »
The "Full list" option when creating an offer isn't working properly? Or it's just something related to my web browser (Google Chrome)?

Nao 尚

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Re: Issue(s)
« Reply #192, on June 8th, 2018, 11:11 AM »
Thanks for pointing it out :) I don't use the Full list option generally. It was due to an inversion between two parameters in a function call that I wrote too hastily I guess.


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Re: Issue(s)
« Reply #193, on June 28th, 2018, 02:56 PM »
The previous issue seems to be fixed, but I'm not sure if 100% fixed. When creating new offers the "Full list" option now is working well, but when countering a received offer I clicked on Full list and something went wrong. Could you try it? Thanks =)

Nao 尚

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Re: Issue(s)
« Reply #194, on June 29th, 2018, 01:10 AM »
Ah... Yes indeed. I understand why.
Countering here is doing in a 'novel' way, some data is passed invisibly in the post, but following an explicit link like the 'Full list' one will empty the post area and thus make it look as if the offer was reset. Meh...

I suppose I could force 'full list' on any counters, what do you think..? Don't really wanna rewrite my counter code either way...