CIPHER-8 is a brain-twisting minimalist arcade puzzler where you push numbers into a grid and manipulate them with randomly drawn special abilities! Play blitz mode for frantic combo streaks, or analyze every move in puzzle mode. Both scale infinitely in their difficulty. How far can you go?
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OwnersLess than 20,000
Reviews100% Positive (from 11 users)
TagsGenre: Casual, Strategy, Puzzle, Arcade, Board Game, Education, Turn-Based Tactics - User tags: Pixel Graphics, Difficult, Detective, 2D, Perma Death, Cute, Minimalist, Turn-Based Strategy, Logic, Procedural Generation, Solitaire - Others: Full controller support, Pending Steam verification - Also compatible with: MacOS, Linux
Links IsThereAnyDeal (also alternative), SteamDB, Spy,
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