Slaughter Horse 2

Use deduction, murder and trust your luck to eliminate the town council and rule over the helpless cartoon horses in a twisted strategy RPG.
Steam game
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StudioDeveloped by Catfood McFly (3)
Published by Catsmeat Studios (4)
Base Price$6
Reviews98% Positive (104 positive, 1 negative, potentially 99%)
TagsGenre: Casual, Indie, RPG, Strategy, Rogue-lite, Choices Matter, Tactical RPG, Strategy RPG, Psychological Horror, Turn-Based Tactics, Text-Based - User tags: Turn-Based Strategy, Character Customization, 2D, 3D, Dark Humor, Detective, Horror, Horses, Parody, Procedural Generation - Others: Early Access, Full controller support, Pending Steam verification
Links IsThereAnyDeal (also alternative), SteamDB, Spy,
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