Isonzo - Reserve Units Pack

(Alternative name: Reserve)
The ‘Reserve Units’ pack contains rear-line uniforms for each class. The Italian uniforms include the infamous "Carabinieri Reali" police units and their archaic hats, while the Austro-Hungarians get the venerable "Standschützen". The pack comes with four elegant mustaches and four facial items.
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Release Date
StudioDeveloped by Blackmill Games (8), M2H (11)
Published by Blackmill Games (8)
Base Price$7
OwnersLess than 20,000
Reviews87% Positive (from 24 users)
TagsGenre: Action, Indie, Simulation, Strategy - User tags: Gore, Violent - Others: Full controller support, Massively Multiplayer
Links IsThereAnyDeal (also alternative), SteamDB, Spy,
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