LIT: Bend the Light

(Alternative name: LIT: Lux in Tenebris)
Light, darkness and remarkable puzzles! Bend the light to your will in this award winning physics-based puzzle game. Feel like a renaissance engineer, build your own solutions to light puzzles, feel your brain grow and all of that within the beautiful and mysterious world of LIT.
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Release Date
Base Price$7
OwnersLess than 20,000
Reviews93% Positive (265 positive, 17 negative, potentially 94%)
TagsGenre: Casual, Indie, Simulation, Puzzle, Education - User tags: Physics, Atmospheric, Building, 2D, Difficult, Logic, Science, Addictive, Steampunk, Great Soundtrack, Relaxing, Masterpiece - Others: Singleplayer, Full controller support, Passed Steam verification - Also compatible with: MacOS, Linux
Links IsThereAnyDeal (also alternative), SteamDB, Spy,
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