
Griefhelm is an award-winning party game with lethal medieval weaponry. Skewer your friends, deflect their blows, and push your advantage in local and online multiplayer. Find some friends and cut off their heads!
Steam game
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StudioDeveloped by Johnny Dale Lonack (2)
Published by Thorrnet Publishing (2)
Base Price$10, as high as $20
Reviews74% Positive (223 positive, 75 negative, potentially 74.8%)
TagsGenre: Action, Casual, Indie, Simulation, Sports, Hack and Slash, Beat 'em up, Fighting, 2D Fighter - User tags: Medieval, Swordplay, Realistic, Combat, Dark, 2.5D, Historical, Colorful - Others: Multiplayer, PvP, 4 Player Local, Full controller support, Local Multiplayer, Passed Steam verification
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