Games released by Blender Institute

Google, Steam Developers, Steam Publishers
56 games released by this studio. None bundled so far.

Blender Game Asset Creation ($10) Video
76% 0:7
Blender Game Asset Creation - Training Files Application 0:0
Blender: 1.2 UI Basics - Navigation Video 0:1
Blender: 1.3 UI Basics - Layout Customization Video 0:1
Blender: 1.4 UI Basics - User Preferences Video 0:1
Blender: 2.1 3D View - Menus, Modes and Display Video 0:1
Blender: 2.2 3D View - Pivot Point, 3D Manipulator Video 0:1
Blender: 2.3 3D View - Layers and Snapping Video 0:1
Blender: 3.01 Modeling - Mesh and Object Data Video 0:1
Blender: 3.02 Modeling - Object Tools Video 0:1
Blender: 3.03 Modeling - Mesh - Extrude Video 0:1
Blender: 3.04 Modeling - Mesh - Bevel Video 0:1
Blender: 3.05 Modeling - Mesh - Subdivide Video 0:1
Blender: 3.06 Modeling - Mesh - Loops Video 0:1
Blender: 3.07 Modeling - Mesh - Vertex Connect Video 0:1
Blender: 3.08 Modeling - Mesh - Inset Video 0:1
Blender: 3.09 Modeling - Mesh - Merging Video 0:1
Blender: 3.10 Modeling - Mesh - Knife Video 0:1
Blender: 4.01 Assets - Ref Images, Blockout Video 0:1
Blender: 4.02 Assets - Traffic Cone Modeling Video 0:1
Blender: 4.03 Assets - Normals - Smooth/Hard Edges Video 0:1
Blender: 4.04 Assets - High Res Traffic Cone Video 0:1
Blender: 4.05 Assets - Camera Modeling Video 0:1
Blender: 4.06 Assets - Modeling With Curves Video 0:1
Blender: 4.07 Assets - Finishing Camera Model Video 0:1
Blender: 4.08 Assets - Removing NGons Video 0:1
Blender: 4.09 Assets - Lens And Ribbed Cable Video 0:1
Blender: 4.10 Assets - Organizing Objects Video 0:1
Blender: 5.1 UVs - Overview Video 0:1
Blender: 5.2 UVs - Mirror Modifier Video 0:1
Blender: 5.3 UVs - Unwrapping The Base Video 0:1
Blender: 5.4 UVs - Unwrapping The Cable Video 0:1
Blender: 5.5 UVs - Unwrapping The Cone Video 0:1
Blender: 5.6 UVs - Final Layout Video 0:1
Blender: 6.1 Baking - Setup and Images Video 0:1
Blender: 6.2 Baking - Ambient Occlusion Video 0:1
Blender: 6.3 Baking - Normal Maps Video 0:1
Blender: 6.4 Baking - Creating Base Materials Video 0:1
Blender: 6.5 Baking - Baking Base Color Video 0:1
Blender: 6.6 Baking - Setting Up Material Video 0:1
Blender: 6.7 Baking - Cord, Multiple UV Sets Video 0:1
Blender: 6.8 Baking - Baking Camera Lens Video 0:1
Blender: 7.1 3D Paint - Setup Video 0:1
Blender: 7.2 3D Paint - Vertical Gradient Video 0:1
Blender: 7.3 3D Paint - Multi Layered Video 0:1
Blender: 7.4 3D Paint - Worn Edges, Cavity Masking Video 0:1
Blender: 7.5 3D Paint - Baking All Layers To 1 Video 0:1
Blender: 8.1 Im/Export - Import TF2 Character Video 0:1
Blender: 8.2 Im/Export - Rigging And Placing The Asset Video 0:1
Blender: 8.3 Im/Export - LOD Creation Video 0:1
Blender: 8.4 Im/Export - Exporting As OBJ Video 0:1
Blender: 8.5 Im/Export - Importing Into TF2 Video 0:1
CF-1-02 First Steps - A Quick Concept Episode 0:1
CF-6-01 Bump Map - Simple Wrinkles Episode 0:1
Creature Factory 2 ($10) Video
41% 0:8
Creature Factory 2 - Training Files Application 0:1