Ignore feature idea (if it would get developed)

Pika! Pika!

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Ignore feature idea (if it would get developed)
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This thread is mainly addressed to Nao as the creator of Lestrades, since it was mentioned that the ignore feature is possibly under consideration. If it is considered, I would recommend an adjustment to what Barter has. Barter's ignore feature is a) very black and white and b) the individual ignored receives no notification of it. So what I would suggest is if something like this is implemented to then do it more in line with Lestrades' philosophy.

I would then be inclined to recommend something like 'giving someone a yellow card' or a strike (or perhaps go to two strikes) before an actual ignore (red card or three strikes) goes into effect and allow the individual who gets it to be notified / see it as well, pared with the ability to allow the giver of the yellow card or strike(s) also to retract them again (the same would go for an actual ignore). That way I would assume there is much more room for both parties to talk out potential differences (assuming there is some civility between all parties involved).

So the idea of that would be to provide some ability for conflict resolution instead of perhaps too swiftly blocking people out of all future trades based on potentially too little evidence. Some people might still go for full ignores immediately anyways and this is certainly something that should not be moderated. It should allow many who are willing to communicate more room to successfully make trades happen in spite of perceived disagreements over one or a few offers. So basically it would be a tool to say 'I do not like this. Hopefully we can do things more constructively in the future. Maybe by discussing it to see whether the differences can be bridged.'

Moon Man

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Re: Ignore feature idea (if it would get developed)
« Reply #1,  »
Big agree. It is far too easy to hit that "block forever" button and forget it even happened. I'm guilty of it myself.
3-strikes to block isn't a bad idea but surely there would have to be some time limit for applying strikes, otherwise it would just be a "block forever" button with extra steps. Maybe no permanent block at all, but instead a temporary one? Block for 2 weeks or something, enough time for everyone to cool off and tradables to change up, then automatically unblock


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Re: Ignore feature idea (if it would get developed)
« Reply #2,  »
Honestly, I would set 5 strikes. Many times, that would be more than enough to understand that the other person is not interested in that type of trades and doesn't share similar tastes and values.


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Re: Ignore feature idea (if it would get developed)
« Reply #3,  »
Ya, there were a few people on Barter that I still liked and would trade with occasionally, but didnt need to see them in my matches constantly because I knew they didnt want my trades at that time.  Having an "ignore for 30 days" would be great.


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Re: Ignore feature idea (if it would get developed)
« Reply #4,  »
I like the time limited ignore better than the 3 strikes rule.

Ignore for me is not an indication that the person I ignore is a bad trader. Just not relevant for me. And I would hate it if they were somehow penalised for me ignoring them.

I mainly use ignore when I feel our trading is incompatible. I block most curator heavy traders, not out of a philosofical need, but practically they are not relevant to my trading. I am not saying curator is bad, just that it doesnt interest me. Similarly I have a few retraders that I go to for those needs. When I want to pay the premium for an unbundled game I contact them. So I tend to ignore the others as it is a waste of their time and mine if they try to guess what I am willing to pay a premium for or I am trying to trade without paying a premium.
Not looking for curator!

I only trade for own use. I don't give out gift links. Only keys.

I value games heavily influenced by gg.deals grey prices, but will pay more for games with arrow up on wishlist

Nao 尚

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Re: Ignore feature idea (if it would get developed)
« Reply #5,  »
The reason I didn't implement an ignore feature is precisely that when I started trading I was unaware of how people viewed game values, and I tended to send shitty offers. This got me ignored by a couple of the biggest traders at the time, and I didn't even realize it for a long time.

What I'd like to do is an ignore option that would tell the trader, in the matches page, "please tread carefully". That could be permanent, but revoked.
I like the idea of a yellow card. Maybe an icon for that. Also shown in the finished offer. If the card issuer thinks it's still a bad offer, they could issue a red card. In this case, you'd still be able to contact the user by private message to appeal for them to remove the red card, but if they won't, it's over.

That's only a two strike system, but I think 5 strikes would be too aggravating in the end.
The idea really is to prevent bad offers, but still allow communication.
Posted: Yesterday at 09:47 PM

I forgot to mention there is already a skip feature in the matches page. It won't hide your matches with someone, but will fold them and get them out of your way, with the ability to unfold them and stop skipping.

Because I think this kind of situation doesn't warrant an ignore feature, and it can be used simply when you know someone really is only looking for unbundled games.


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Re: Ignore feature idea (if it would get developed)
« Reply #6,  »Last edited
Quote from Nao 尚 Yesterday at 09:49 PM
The reason I didn't implement an ignore feature is precisely that when I started trading I was unaware of how people viewed game values, and I tended to send shitty offers. This got me ignored by a couple of the biggest traders at the time, and I didn't even realize it for a long time.

What I'd like to do is an ignore option that would tell the trader, in the matches page, "please tread carefully". That could be permanent, but revoked.
I like the idea of a yellow card. Maybe an icon for that. Also shown in the finished offer. If the card issuer thinks it's still a bad offer, they could issue a red card. In this case, you'd still be able to contact the user by private message to appeal for them to remove the red card, but if they won't, it's over.

That's only a two strike system, but I think 5 strikes would be too aggravating in the end.
The idea really is to prevent bad offers, but still allow communication.
Posted: Yesterday at 09:47 PM

I forgot to mention there is already a skip feature in the matches page. It won't hide your matches with someone, but will fold them and get them out of your way, with the ability to unfold them and stop skipping.

Because I think this kind of situation doesn't warrant an ignore feature, and it can be used simply when you know someone really is only looking for unbundled games.
The main thing I want to avoid are what I would call severe abuse offenders (like racism, trolling, offensive and aggressive behavior, bombardment of trade offers, being an a-hole, etc...). If these offending users become a problem, I sincerely hope admin (@Nao 尚) would get involved, as they would be a menace to traders. They can be rare, but can occur on occasion to cause issues for others.

On Barter, you could simply ignore these users and never have to deal with them ever again. Ignoring a user is not possible on this website, so I am hoping situations, like the examples shown in my paragraph above will be dealt with if needed. :)

I was pretty active on Barter and I'm hoping this can be my new home for trading. I like the website so far, as it is very similar to Barter's functions in most respects.

Moon Man

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Re: Ignore feature idea (if it would get developed)
« Reply #7,  »
@Bigshrimp I would venture to say that any racism, trolling, harassment, etc. would be swiftly dealt with if reported to @Nao 尚 .

If need be, maybe some kind of moderator permissions could be set to take some load off, or maybe even a steam trades vote on reviews -esque queue for deciding to take with reported comments/messages? Maybe a targeted word list results in removal of the ability to comment/message until some other action/review is taken? Obvious offenders only though imo, no reason to drop an N bomb over a trade but a f**k or a s**t might be warranted for instance. (Censored cause not sure how we feel about cursing here lol)

I'm not even sure if there is a report option on this site tbh. Everyone I have ever dealt with is AT WORST a neutral conversation, have yet to have a bad experience anywhere (except bart-ee) so I've never needed to look for one lol

I'm just spitballing here, I don't know jack about anything technical or how difficult it would be to implement. Blogposting on main


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Re: Ignore feature idea (if it would get developed)
« Reply #8,  »
Quote from Nao 尚 Yesterday at 09:49 PM
The reason I didn't implement an ignore feature is precisely that when I started trading I was unaware of how people viewed game values, and I tended to send shitty offers. This got me ignored by a couple of the biggest traders at the time, and I didn't even realize it for a long time.

What I'd like to do is an ignore option that would tell the trader, in the matches page, "please tread carefully". That could be permanent, but revoked.
I like the idea of a yellow card. Maybe an icon for that. Also shown in the finished offer. If the card issuer thinks it's still a bad offer, they could issue a red card. In this case, you'd still be able to contact the user by private message to appeal for them to remove the red card, but if they won't, it's over.

That's only a two strike system, but I think 5 strikes would be too aggravating in the end.
The idea really is to prevent bad offers, but still allow communication.
Posted: Yesterday at 09:47 PM

I forgot to mention there is already a skip feature in the matches page. It won't hide your matches with someone, but will fold them and get them out of your way, with the ability to unfold them and stop skipping.

Because I think this kind of situation doesn't warrant an ignore feature, and it can be used simply when you know someone really is only looking for unbundled games.
Once Lestrade's becomes really big (and it will), majority of concerns about adding ignore function should become obsolete. Even if someone uses it too hastily, without understanding the nuances  of the situation - it wouldn't affect the market's flow or even personal trades volume.

Nao 尚

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Re: Ignore feature idea (if it would get developed)
« Reply #9,  »
Quote from Moon Man Today at 05:59 AM
@Bigshrimp I would venture to say that any racism, trolling, harassment, etc. would be swiftly dealt with if reported to @Nao 尚.
You don't have to venture, just boldly go and I'll answer your wish ;)

Racism is a no-no here, just like any kind of other-people-phobia. I don't even have to justify it by saying my son is of mixed race. Just being inhuman is not something I'll tolerate, and the Internet makes it too easy for people to abuse their anonymity. I'm not woke, I'm just decent.