Barter Sync. not working

Gr3ylok [H] Games [W] Altcoins

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Barter Sync. not working
« on March 25th, 2017, 08:42 PM »Last edited on March 25th, 2017, 08:43 PM
Title says it all, I have about 300 tradables on my Barter, but it won't sync anything...
Adding manually, altho it would be a drag, does not work either.
Now what  :geek:

Nao 尚

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Re: Barter Sync. not working
« Reply #1, on March 25th, 2017, 09:03 PM »
You didn't read the tutorial, although its conveniently linked on the homepage.

Let me return the question. Barter is dead, the large majority of its active users are on Lestrade's and there is no way to do proper matching over there. So the question isn't whether or not you can sync from barter. It's, why would you want to update your barter lists at all?

I know LT isn't perfect yet, but it will eventually have all the features of barter's and more. Are you still using Windows 98? ;)


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Re: Barter Sync. not working
« Reply #2, on March 25th, 2017, 10:50 PM »
I'm not sure he's talking about syncing changes. I'm going through the tutorial, I hit the Import buttons, and nothing is coming over from Barter the first time, everything is still zero. I think Gr3ylok is trying to do the same thing as me.


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Re: Barter Sync. not working
« Reply #4, on March 25th, 2017, 11:02 PM »
Quote from Nao 尚 on March 25th, 2017, 09:03 PM
Let me return the question. Barter is dead, the large majority of its active users are on Lestrade's and there is no way to do proper matching over there. So the question isn't whether or not you can sync from barter. It's, why would you want to update your barter lists at all?

I know LT isn't perfect yet, but it will eventually have all the features of barter's and more. Are you still using Windows 98? ;)
Nao: You are doing a great job, but LT is right now at about 5% of the features of Barter /  ease of use of Barter. And I personally am missing a bunch of key features (comments, tradeables tags, tradeables count, trading for non-wishlist items, last bundles). So it's completely understandable (at least in my opinion) that a lot of people are going to use both sites for a while.

And yeah, he probably means the initial import as he has no items here at all ;-).

Nao 尚

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Re: Barter Sync. not working
« Reply #5, on March 26th, 2017, 12:10 AM »
Quote from Quantum on March 25th, 2017, 11:02 PM
Nao: You are doing a great job, but LT is right now at about 5% of the features of Barter /  ease of use of Barter.
5%? That's harsh... :-/
Well, that's a good opportunity to do a short summary of what LT does well compared to Barter, and what Barter is doing better for now.

Does Barter have a realtime sorting feature? Or even a realtime game search? Does it show you cards+ratings+ratio all at the same time on game lists in offer creation pages? Does it allow you to remove a tradable game directly from its game page? Does it match items within a few seconds? Correctly, does it match items at all? :lol:

What's missing right now is editing lists from list pages, and tagging. I also need to add a little 'x' button next to game previews in offer creation pages, to make it more natural to remove items from it (I feel that 'unchecking the item and clicking Preview again' isn't as natural as I originally envisioned.) And regarding offers, I think it's only missing a fail button, comments, fail reasons, and decline reasons. Generally for the website, I'd also like to include member search and maybe post search into the game search popup.

It's not THAT much. And it'll all be coming in the next few days for the most part (list editing & tagging and easy removal are probably coming first, as Alex is working on a 'decline reasons' user script so that should fill in the void), maybe in two weeks for other elements.
And I personally am missing a bunch of key features (comments, tradeables tags, tradeables count,
You mean quantity?
They're tags, really. They're coming with the rest.
trading for non-wishlist items, last bundles).
Oh yeah, non-wishlist, I forget about those. I really don't do that myself. Last bundles is coming too. 6 months is a long time...
So it's completely understandable (at least in my opinion) that a lot of people are going to use both sites for a while.
Still, they're not going to be able to sync with Barter, because that's how it is. I'm afraid you'll have to manually tag your new items once it's available.
(Actually I was struggling to have a tag editor released at the same time as the rest of the offer system. It wasn't satisfying so I removed my code and I'll be going for an Ajax solution from day 1 instead.)

Unfortunately, as I said earlier, tomorrow I'll have very little time to myself. My wife was kind enough to take care of our kid for several hours but tomorrow she'll be out of town and I'll only be available on my smartphone most of the time. So new features tomorrow are very unlikely, I'll only post bug fixes if they're easy enough.
Re: Barter Sync. not working
« Reply #6, on March 26th, 2017, 12:13 AM »
Oh crap, originally I was posting here to announce that list importing is now confirmed fixed, for all list types.
As always, it's only for users who registered after the final sync on March 23! And it's importing, not syncing, meaning once it's done, it's done. So if you need to clean your stuff and re-tag things properly, do it before you import, thanks. ;)


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Re: Barter Sync. not working
« Reply #7, on March 26th, 2017, 12:51 AM »
Nice post :). I wrote 5% because I am considering LT compared to all options Barter has, not just the key features still missing. Admittedly a lot of those are probably of less interest to some traders (like i.e. all the cool options on the Barter user page).


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Re: Barter Sync. not working
« Reply #8, on March 26th, 2017, 01:30 AM »
To be honest, it's becoming harder to use Barter after trying Lestrades. And yes, @Nao, you can take that as a compliment :P

It's still missing quite a number of features, but the look and feel are way more pleasant, not to mention how fast everything is compared to Barter.

If we should talk about priorities, I think comments on offers would be on top (or at least my top priority). It's difficult to set up a trade without being able to communicate with the other user (there's a neat pm system in place, though!) or to counteroffer. Being able to write simple things like "I'm only interested in..., could you please edit the offer accordingly?", "Can this 4:4 be turned into a 1:1?",... would be really helpful right now and even be a replacement for counteroffers until those are working.

For the rest of features, I feel how they should be prioritized but I understand it's difficult to make a decision when each user has his/her own priorities and we're all asking for different things...

Nao 尚

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Re: Barter Sync. not working
« Reply #9, on March 26th, 2017, 05:06 PM »
Well, there are few features that are a bit slower than on Barter but I'm so ashamed of that, I'll just proudly gloat again about how much faster matching is.

Re: comments on top, lol I actually planned to have them at the bottom.... :P

I'm thinking we should have a Ponzi scheme :lol: of suggestion/bug posts:
- Regular users post in Issues / Suggestions topics,
- Moderators repost non-duplicates and interesting posts (to their discretion) in official, locked Issues / Suggestions topics, perhaps along with their thoughts on how urgent/important these could be,
- And then I decide what I deem to be more urgent than the rest, based on community discussions. Either that, or I maintain yet another locked topic with a poll featuring a list of current features being considered/worked on, and I try to tackle features in order of popularity.

What do you think of that?


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Re: Barter Sync. not working
« Reply #10, on March 26th, 2017, 05:46 PM »
The poll is the better idea. I am not fond of letting the moderators prioritise features as that should come straight from the community.
However you need help with the backlog. Maybe you need to start using Trello and put all the stuff there. We can vote for new features.


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Re: Barter Sync. not working
« Reply #11, on March 26th, 2017, 05:51 PM »Last edited on March 26th, 2017, 05:53 PM
Quote from Akylen on March 26th, 2017, 05:46 PM
The poll is the better idea. I am not fond of letting the moderators prioritise features as that should come straight from the community.
However you need help with the backlog. Maybe you need to start using Trello and put all the stuff there. We can vote for new features.
I'd greatly prefer using something like Uservoice ( for feature suggestions over using a forum like we are doing now. Last I used it users got a limited amount of points (10 or so) they could allocate on features. This forces users to prioritize in which features are most important to them. And popular features automatically drift upwards.


Bugfol in der Unterwelt

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Re: Barter Sync. not working
« Reply #12, on March 26th, 2017, 06:53 PM »
For me was not working at all - switching language to english helped a lot. everythign started working at once.
had problems with login, too when tried in something seems to be fucked up.
Keep up the nice work - but remove the german option till its working.
Glad if i can help in anyway - just tell me what i can do to support - but mayority of users from germany won´t have any problem with english at all - but no one checks english option to resolve problems....

Nao 尚

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Re: Barter Sync. not working
« Reply #13, on April 3rd, 2017, 08:18 PM »
I forgot to mention that I removed all language options recently. You're right, it was confusing anyway-- everything in forum pages was translated, and nothing in trading pages was, except for some things like date handling. Mixing up languages isn't very professional, I was planning to translate the trading site at the same time but in the end it's not really a priority. English, after all, is a must for traders. At least for now. ^^

I need to remember adding profile settings to allow you to specify which languages you can trade in, though!
Re: Barter Sync. not working
« Reply #14, on May 11th, 2017, 11:06 AM »
Looking for volunteers to test the new Barter manual sync tool. As always, I need: (1) people who are relatively tech-savvy and already in my friend list (this saves me time), (2) available on demand today, (3) willing to wait for a while if I have to fix something, (4) understand that I may not be available at all-- just drop me a Steam chat message telling me you're available to test when I'm ready.

PS: I finished the code last night but I was starting to get weak again so I went to bed instead of testing. I'm in a worse condition today so I'll probably get some more sleep if I can.
PPS: for those curious, the tool should allow you to import your tradables from Barter that you forgot to add to Lestrade's, including their quantity & store & tags. It won't work for multiple copies with 1x quantity, you need to have 1 copy with multiple quantities. It doesn't allow you (yet) to export games to Barter, but it's planned. The main problem being that Barter doesn't support adding both a game and its tags/store/etc, so I'd have to do several requests, which sucks...