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Barter.vg down again
« on September 3rd, 2017, 08:12 PM »
Admin has been absent for ~9 days.
Barter is giving HTTP Error 503 - Service unavailable.

Prepare for trader influx?

Nao 尚

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Re: Barter.vg down again
« Reply #1, on September 3rd, 2017, 08:46 PM »
Well I wouldn't be against it. :-P

But my evil side is also tempted to close the site temporarily until barter comes back, with a message saying 'you were fine with barter because it had more active users, so how about now?'

Thankfully, my evil side is also busier trying to work out what the Twin Peaks finale will be about in a few hours... you're in luck!

I was told about the bvg issues earlier today and tried for myself... loading a page took a minute on average. When it didn't crash. Matching items took 5 minutes before it crashed and gave me no results.
Yeah, I definitely prefer a quieter site where I don't have to constantly fight with the tools that are supposed to *help* me trade my dupes.

Who knows, maybe if the active user base goes way up, I can finally introduce features that require more users, or start work on boring features I couldn't be arsed to do, such as a cancel-after-accept wizard. Maybe royalgamer will even port his Enhanced userscript to LT's.


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Nao 尚

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Re: Barter.vg down again
« Reply #3, on September 3rd, 2017, 10:09 PM »
Well, you're quite brave.

Anyway, looks like the Barter issues aren't bringing anyone back, I just checked and it's same activity as usual.[1] The only difference is that LT is not adding new Steam games. If Barter isn't back up by tomorrow, I'll look into switching to Steam API-only retrieval.
 1. I'm not sure why people would pass on LT's even when Barter is down. Or maybe awareness is simply at an all-time low and we need a few dozen people to tell their friends to use LT in the meantime, I don't know. I'm really bad at advertising the service.


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Re: Barter.vg down again
« Reply #4, on September 4th, 2017, 03:16 AM »
Quote from Lestrade 尚 on September 3rd, 2017, 08:46 PM
But my evil side is also tempted to close the site temporarily until barter comes back, with a message saying 'you were fine with barter because it had more active users, so how about now?'
It would have been painfully amusing if you had left a message like it. There's something about the bare barter matching results screen that makes it easier on the eyes for me.

Is the middle mouse click an intentional feature on the site? It shows some quick access info. I was in the habit of middle clicking to open the scroll function to slowly check out trades as it trailed down the screen but is there a way to disable in the options?

The Night and Day theme started to stay working at some point for me, but I don't recall when it did. Did you change anything or was it always an error on my side?

Nao 尚

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Re: Barter.vg down again
« Reply #5, on September 4th, 2017, 06:08 AM »
Quote from mm9m9m9m9m9 on September 4th, 2017, 03:16 AM
It would have been painfully amusing if you had left a message like it. There's something about the bare barter matching results screen that makes it easier on the eyes for me.
How so? LT is calibrated for ease of use. I mean, you can even set it up to immediately spot games by rarity...
I suppose you mean you don't like seeing tags? I could add an option to hide them...
Quote from mm9m9m9m9m9 on September 4th, 2017, 03:16 AM
Is the middle mouse click an intentional feature on the site?
Yes. It's an intentional feature in Wedge, the forum software I wrote. It's disabled if you're using a larger resolution. It's the equivalent of clicking the 'burger' icon in the top right corner.
Quote from mm9m9m9m9m9 on September 4th, 2017, 03:16 AM
It shows some quick access info. I was in the habit of middle clicking to open the scroll function to slowly check out trades as it trailed down the screen but is there a way to disable in the options?
Nope, but I suppose it's worth asking other users what they think.
Quote from mm9m9m9m9m9 on September 4th, 2017, 03:16 AM
The Night and Day theme started to stay working at some point for me, but I don't recall when it did. Did you change anything or was it always an error on my side?
Nope, it was an error on my side that I fixed and documented in the What's New topic. Was due to a variable not existing for non-admin users in the JavaScript code, forcing the code to stop executing right before saving the state in memory. Bad timing!
Re: Barter.vg down again
« Reply #6, on September 4th, 2017, 12:38 PM »
Well, BVG's back to normal (I think?), without an explanation from its owner (but we're used to that), and the incident had zero influence over LT's numbers.
So, I think we can safely say LT is doomed to stay in Barter's shadow and there isn't much of a reason to even keep trying to do things like syncing with BVG games or tradables etc... -_-

Sorry, I'm a bit in a mood after last night's Twin Peaks errr, 'series finale'. (F*ck you, Lynch! I love you! But still, f*ck you!)
Re: Barter.vg down again
« Reply #7, on September 4th, 2017, 06:23 PM »
Number of active users bumped by ~8% today, for some reason, after a week of being stable... A bit strange, but not unwelcome. ;)
Re: Barter.vg down again
« Reply #8, on September 4th, 2017, 10:16 PM »
For the first time in months, the number of new users over the last 24 hours is higher than Barter's. <sniff> Thanks to whoever invited their friends to give the site a chance! ;) (As you can see, it gave me some motivation to add a couple more features to the site. Much more coming this week.)
Re: Barter.vg down again
« Reply #9, on September 11th, 2017, 09:39 PM »
Just for the curious, the surge in new memberships last week was not due to Barter being down (I didn't expect it to be the case), but to a Chinese website linking to LT's and describing it as (if Google Translate permits), the smartest, most complete and most beautiful trading site. Thank you! :D


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Re: Barter.vg down again
« Reply #11, on September 11th, 2017, 11:13 PM »
Most stats programs (in your host's panel) offer a list of referrers, i.e. web pages that redirect to any page on your site. The vast majority is from Google or direct access, but this week many of the hits came from the link above. (I don't always check my stats, but I remembered this topic and then went for it.)