Frozen Below: Arctic Expedition

"Frozen Below: Arctic Expedition" is a horror exploration game. Explore an Arctic cave, uncover secrets, and escape a lurking presence. With realistic graphics and immersive sound design, can you survive the frozen terror and escape the darkness?
Steam game
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StudioCrowvisuals (6)
Base Price$12
OwnersLess than 20,000
ReviewsN/A (8 positive, 1 negative, potentially 88.9%)
TagsGenre: Action, Adventure, Indie, First-Person, Exploration, 3D Platformer, Action-Adventure, Hunting, Walking Simulator, Psychological Horror - User tags: Immersive Sim, 3D, Horror, Realistic, Dark Fantasy, Demons, Mining, Nature, Atmospheric, Emotional, Dark - Others: Early Access, Pending Steam verification
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