BUMS - a game with a great variety of mini games where funny and scary. Go through them together with your friends or against them, all to win. The entrance to these worlds lies through cassettes, which are hidden all over the map, and some of them are unique and only a few will be able to find them
Steam game
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StudioDeveloped by Annanyyazov Bahaveddin, Annaseyidov Mergen, Esenov Parahat, Ashyrov Arman, Hudayberdiyev Shanazar, Durdyyev Abdyrahman
Published by Rainbow Affect, Bazarmyrat Ballyyev
Base Price$8
OwnersLess than 20,000
Reviews65% Positive (28 positive, 21 negative, potentially 57.1%)
TagsGenre: Adventure, Racing, Sports, Strategy, First-Person, Exploration, Tactical, Beat 'em up, Choose Your Own Adventure - User tags: Funny, Combat, Open World, Relaxing, Colorful, Comedy, Emotional, Atmospheric - Others: Multiplayer, PvP, Online Co-Op, PvE, Early Access, Massively Multiplayer, Pending Steam verification
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