Saints Row

Welcome to Santo Ileso, a vibrant fictional city in the American Southwest. In a world rife with crime, where lawless factions fight for power, a group of young friends embark on their own criminal venture, as they rise to the top in their bid to become Self Made.
Steam game
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StudioDeveloped by Volition (58)
Published by Deep Silver (218)
Base Price$30, as high as $60
Reviews63% Positive (3,008 positive, 2,164 negative, potentially 58.2%)
TagsGenre: Action, Adventure, Shooter, Sandbox, Third Person, Third-Person Shooter - User tags: Open World, Character Customization, Crime, Funny, Comedy, America, Driving, Dark Humor, Parody, Satire, Superhero, Female Protagonist - Others: Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Co-op, Full controller support, Passed Steam verification
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