The Adventures of LinShanHai - Chapter5:Three Trees

三棵树案件:报案人称自家孩子放学没回家,至今不知去向。由于学校到家需要经过一片树林,家长怀疑孩子在树林中走失。 在精美逼真的3D场景中,只需要使用鼠标操作。全新探案玩法,玩家首先需要在案发现场搜证线索,认真的分析每条线索,透过分析和关联,解锁新场景,破解案件真相。
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StudioQZQ Studio (32)
Base Price$2
ReviewsN/A (3 positive, 0 negative, potentially 100%)
TagsGenre: Adventure, Indie, Puzzle, First-Person, Exploration, Visual Novel, Point & Click, Hidden Object, Clicker, Interactive Fiction - User tags: Collectathon, Realistic, 1990's, Drama, Mystery, Detective, Nonlinear - Others: Singleplayer, 3D Vision, Pending Steam verification
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