
You are a food delivery worker in Asia. There are two companies. Green food delivery company. and orange food delivery company The two companies have long been at odds of interest. And the conflict cannot be resolved by the company. therefore decided to fight for space
Steam game
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StudioDeveloped by thebank310, vajit
Published by thebank310
Base Price$3
OwnersLess than 20,000
ReviewsN/A (0 positive, 1 negative, potentially 0%)
TagsGenre: Action, Adventure, Simulation, FPS, Shooter, First-Person - User tags: 3D, Comedy, Funny, Combat - Others: Singleplayer, Local Co-Op, Multiplayer, Co-op, Online Co-Op, Massively Multiplayer, Local Multiplayer, Pending Steam verification
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🎮︎ Owners 2