Soul's Spectrum

(Alternative name: Soul's Spectrum)
You wake up in a mysterious dungeon, full of dangerous traps and unlucky inhabitants. Brain cracking puzzles await you while a dark story will slowly unfold in this supernatural place!
Steam game
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Release Date
StudioDeveloped by Thund Games
Published by Ravenage Games (31)
Base Price$8
OwnersLess than 20,000
Reviews90% Positive (34 positive, 2 negative, potentially 94.4%)
TagsGenre: Adventure, RPG, Strategy, Puzzle, Exploration, JRPG, Metroidvania, Action-Adventure, Puzzle-Platformer, Mystery Dungeon - User tags: Story Rich, Female Protagonist, 2D, Pixel Graphics, Dark, Emotional, Fantasy, Mystery, Magic, Supernatural, Surreal - Others: Full controller support, Passed Steam verification
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