Forgotten Mines

Wreak vengeance and retake lost mines from goblins, orcs, skeletons, and demons in this small-scale tactical roguelite RPG. Build the perfect expedition team and turn the underworld red with each challenging, fast-paced run.
Steam game
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Release Date
StudioDeveloped by Cannibal Goose
Published by Ishtar Games (14)
Base Price$8
ReviewsN/A (96 positive, 19 negative, potentially 83.5%)
TagsGenre: RPG, Strategy, Dungeon Crawler, Top-Down, Rogue-like, Rogue-lite, Tactical RPG, Strategy RPG, Turn-Based Combat, Turn-Based Tactics - User tags: Dwarf, Perma Death, Turn-Based Strategy, 2D, Procedural Generation, Pixel Graphics, Dark Fantasy, Fantasy, Magic - Others: Team-Based, Pending Steam verification - Also compatible with: MacOS
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