Incubus - A ghost-hunters tale

You are on your first solo ghost hunt, under the watchful instructions of Bear and Jen from the O.P.G paranormal team. Use real gadgets in a real location, a house investigated by the developers on the request of three different owners. It is a case worthy of a video game, so welcome to Incubus.
Steam game
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Release Date
StudioDarkling Room (15)
Base Price$20
OwnersLess than 20,000
Reviews85% Positive (52 positive, 6 negative, potentially 89.7%)
TagsGenre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Simulation, First-Person, Survival Horror, Point & Click, Action-Adventure, Psychological Horror - User tags: 3D, Atmospheric, Demons, Horror, Investigation, Mystery, Mythology, Supernatural, Thriller - Others: Singleplayer, Pending Steam verification
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