Ben and Ed

Ben and Ed is a 3D platformer, in which the player controls Ed the Zombie, who is forced to participate in a grotesque game show called "Rundead". Will he beat all obstacles Hans Showmaster confronts him with, to save his best friend Ben?
Steam game
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StudioSluggerfly (5)
Base Price$10, seen as low as $1.5
Reviews82% Positive (3,029 positive, 650 negative, potentially 82.3%)
TagsGenre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Sports, Platformer, 3D Platformer - User tags: Parkour, Zombies, Funny, Gore, Difficult, Horror, Great Soundtrack, Comedy, Violent, Blood, Dark Humor - Others: Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Co-op, Partial controller support, Passed Steam verification
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