Rule No. 2

Because sometimes all that you really want from life is to be blowing up a bunch of $#!% while also gazing at some chesticles -- as fast and as expeditiously as possible. Sturgeon General's WARNING: 'Risk of Waifus, Guns, Nudity, Instant Action and Mayhem.'
Steam game
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Release Date
StudioWalk Without Rhythm Games (3)
Base Price$6
OwnersLess than 20,000
Reviews88% Positive (71 positive, 9 negative, potentially 88.8%)
TagsGenre: Action, Casual, Indie, FPS, Shooter, First-Person, Arena Shooter - User tags: Female Protagonist, Anime, Cute, Funny, 2.5D, Old School, LGBTQ+, Colorful, 1990's, Comedy, Futuristic, Memes, Post-apocalyptic, Combat, Sci-fi - Others: Full controller support, Partial controller support, Pending Steam verification
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