Remnant Records

Remnant Records is a horror investigation game for 1 to 4 players. Explore places haunted by the dead, survive elaborate and unique ghosts and find out what happened to them through thousands of generated stories.
Steam game
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StudioNoctiluca Studio (2)
Base Price$16
OwnersLess than 20,000
Reviews85% Positive (385 positive, 79 negative, potentially 83%)
TagsGenre: Action, Indie, First-Person, Survival Horror, Psychological Horror - User tags: 3D, Demons, Horror, Investigation, Detective, Atmospheric, Procedural Generation, Supernatural, Realistic, Dark, Mystery, Thriller, Artificial Intelligence - Others: Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Co-op, Team-Based, Online Co-Op, Early Access, Passed Steam verification
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