Zero Orders Tactics

Terraforming + Into The Breach! An experimental puzzle strategy where you are not commanding your troops - now, you are shaping the battlefield itself! Nothing is random*, everything is predictable*, and the battlefield is changing. Every turn. By you.
Steam game
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StudioPauloondra (2)
Base Price$12
OwnersLess than 20,000
Reviews94% Positive (54 positive, 3 negative, potentially 94.7%)
TagsGenre: Indie, RPG, Strategy, Puzzle, Rogue-like, Turn-Based, Tactical, Rogue-lite, Board Game, Hex Grid, Turn-Based Combat, Turn-Based Tactics - User tags: Turn-Based Strategy, Pixel Graphics, Replay Value, 2D, Procedural Generation, Logic, Combat, Grid-Based Movement, Cute, Experimental, Family Friendly - Others: Singleplayer, Controller, Pending Steam verification
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