Shadow Man

He is coming, stalking criminals in the spirit world and the real world. A possessed man is coming, a voodoo mask in his chest and lines of power in his back. Shadow Man is coming, trailing evil from Liveside to Deadside. To stop an apocalypse. To save your soul.
Steam game
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NoteNot buyable (Seen on Steam store, but can't buy there)
Release Date
StudioDeveloped by Acclaim Studios Teesside (3)
Published by Nightdive Studios (123)
Base PriceAs high as $5
Reviews90% Positive (616 positive, 86 negative, potentially 87.7%)
TagsGenre: Action, Adventure, Third Person, Metroidvania - User tags: Horror, Cult Classic, Dark, Atmospheric, Great Soundtrack, Classic, 1990's, Supernatural, Comic Book, Old School, Retro - Others: Singleplayer, Passed Steam verification - Also compatible with: MacOS
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