In RETROLD you can play many games inspired by old arcades from 70`s, 80`s and even 90`s. (NEW GRAPHICS, NEW SONGS, NEW MECHANICS, OLD GAMES) :D
Steam game
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StudioBernardo Barreiros Fialho
Base PriceAs high as $1
OwnersLess than 20,000
Reviews90% Positive (19 positive, 3 negative, potentially 86.4%)
TagsGenre: Action, Casual, Indie, Shoot 'Em Up, Arcade, Bullet Hell, Top-Down - User tags: Retro, 1980s, 1990's, Combat, Pixel Graphics, 2D, Colorful, Character Customization, Quick-Time Events, 2D Platformer - Others: Singleplayer, PvP, PvE, Local Multiplayer, Pending Steam verification
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