Royal Rescue

Royal Rescue SRPG
"Royal Rescue SRPG" is a role-playing game with a turn-based combat system. From here out of nowhere Princess is kidnapped from the Kingdom, you get a secret mission to save her! Challenge yourself in several quests, face the enemies of the kingdom and save the princess!
Steam game
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StudioDeveloped by Blacer Studio (6), Nikodem Swider (3)
Published by Source Byte Sp. z o.o. (16), Blacer Studio (6)
Base Price$2, last seen at $0.6 on Steam
Reviews57% Positive (8 positive, 6 negative, potentially 57.1%)
TagsGenre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie, RPG, Strategy, Action RPG, JRPG, Strategy RPG - Others: Full controller support, Partial controller support, Pending Steam verification
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