Bartlow's Dread Machine

An artifact from the past returns in Bartlow's Dread Machine, a game from the dawn of the Electric Age. Dread Machine is a dual stick arcade shooter with single player and couch co-op modes, six scintillating game worlds and a cast of improbable monsters and characters.
Steam game
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StudioDeveloped by Beep Games, Inc. (2), Tribetoy (2)
Published by Beep Games, Inc. (2)
Base Price$6, as high as $15
OwnersLess than 20,000
Reviews83% Positive (61 positive, 10 negative, potentially 85.9%)
TagsGenre: Action, Indie, Shooter, Shoot 'Em Up, Arcade, Bullet Hell, Third Person, Top-Down Shooter, Twin Stick Shooter - User tags: Steampunk, Retro, Stylized, Alternate History - Others: Singleplayer, Local Co-Op, Co-op, Early Access, Full controller support, Pending Steam verification
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