Cloud Knights
Redeem On | Steam |
Note | Store information not available, may be decommissioned. |
Release Date | |
Studio | Astrosnout |
Base Price | $5 |
Owners | ~150,000 |
Reviews | 77% Positive (78 positive, 46 negative, potentially 62.9%) |
Tags | Genre: Action, Casual, Indie - Others: Passed Steam verification |
$0 | This game was given away to the public at some point, it might be worthless. |
- Every Monday Bundle 70 (single tier, $2.49) (ITAD), ended
★ Wished 1, 1, 1
🎮︎ Owners 510
- OFEN™ - 2h 14min
- Marte720 - 1h 21min
- i.verveer - 1h 01min
- Aryend - 0h 40min
- ovoxo - 0h 35min
- Necronomicron - 0h 28min
- kidkaracho - 0h 19min
- Toobs - 0h 18min
- GodFeelling - 0h 16min
- Zinguy - 0h 10min
- Hyperduel - 0h 09min
- daniangal - 0h 08min
- fragie21 - 0h 06min
- >noderunner_ - 0h 03min
- NeoInNervous - 0h 03min
- Halen5 - 0h 03min
- Tito 👽 - 0h 02min
- Howl at the Moon - 0h 02min
- EnemyWithin - 0h 02min
- Djnemonic - 0h 01min
- aiziks251 - 0h 01min
- Schwartzy - 0h 01min
- 76561198079023012 - 0h 01min
- Avantyr - 0h 01min
- 泡泡HUBBLE - 0h 01min
- Samkiud - 0h 01min
- GuillermoV
- iMax 3060
- Qwarrock
- Ari El Uno
- Bugfol in der Unterwelt
- da_norf
- herkuli
- CarLNighT
- Reecebullet
- Lord Gorzul
- [INYFB] botsmaster
- Wagglesworth
- SaFo
- Zyon
- MalikQayum
- ghostzer0
- Mth
- nexusdan
- Zsozark
- mahon
- jet katanas
- KingJZ
- judgegr
- Arkan
- juaolmmun
- zan3467
- uktvuktv
- InSomnisVeritas
- iracional 88
- LaMainNoire
- cl0ud
- Ronin
- Osztihun
- TekilaShot
- secolaco
- Finlay™ ♔
- Nicknames
- lukysoft
- Kleidophoros
- Kitsune-Musume
- HellsDelight
- Camo Toe
- Kougar 🍕
- RainbowWarrior
- thenevernow
- Demon69FFM
- LokinhaLp
- Rozen
- SpeedX
- Fluffy Sheepy
- Skipperio #2762
- Jami
- premon
- McSnake
- PraX
- _lepik_[gravity's rainb☮w]
- KissDavid # GriF-Touch
- fading black
- morphicmetal
- Bigshrimp
- Dunceney
- vamptibor
- PersonOfAchievements
- JubalTheLion
- Woddes
- superlime
- aommaster
- tadasho
- Neeno
- sesito71
- joaoarena
- eami
- bakkeby
- Outlawbr
- Neku
- karnage10
- Peek-a-Boo ™ ♣
- BeauTAEful
- GSV So Much For Subtlety
- primoedu
- Atze OV3RfL0W
- RetroGamerAndrew
- bubanstix
- .Alvaro_SG
- juliangmr
- Hand of The King
- Christsnatcher
- RedDevil_mm
- tsiwmike #GoogleBitcoin
- Aligar
- DedMoroz
- Krid
- Jon Irenicus
- Munga
- macky
- Sexy Rabbit Butt
- chaosfrost
- 【LongBow】
- Knopfdruckoffizier
- ßlabe
- ➳+D-G+➳
- KusanagiASK
- BRKL [idle]
- Achleon
- Gamer Kitten ^MEOW^
- Aerothorn
- beather4N
- temp
- Nightwasp
- trenzalore
- BlackDragon05(dragonmaster)
- ormax3
- -
- ɪ ᴀ ᴍ ᴇ ʀ ʀ ᴏ ʀ
- Benn07
- AManCalledSTEVE
- Melody Nelson
- s3rxus
- [TW] TR
- arseny92
- ODDsama
- Business Monkey | Trading Hub
- Frysande Köld
- alancml
- -=FAZA=-
- cunthulhu
- hackerkok
- Lichtheld
- ✞KaiserDark✞
- FerreiraCES
- Zseri [HUN]
- [☭]-Soviet-Triumph-
- BarbaricGenie
- Kamic
- CONAN_Fabrice
- AJ
- TheLetterM
- nick_kharkiv
- svenevil
- Outofmana
- Diegovz01
- Naoto
- shane_ching2004
- CBlade
- Anja do Rock
- volt-kun
- NewSpiegel
- Rauchen
- KeitaroUrashima
- _tunggy_
- Kekwel
- UnmetPlayer
- Palmito
- RGameFire
- Eltanin
- JDrakul
- Ch@llenger90
- shivam121
- Nixxsixxs
- [Flauschi] Uuggaa
- Geon
- 🐉 M.F.A. Bromax333⭕⃤
- Next-x
- Karoll
- Rhonin the wizard
- Kodijack!
- Ian Brandon Anderson
- Sm0ke Ape
- Viral
- Er3mus
- thefunkygibbon
- Wrecker
- Abaction
- Coolerbox(RUS)
- Frank
- PrometeheusCZ
- spcoaster
- b4lv
- ChaosEmerald
- zZzaLien
- Holderist
- Alenonimo
- Momo1991
- Odanero
- K3W3L
- YeAhx
- Roro
- Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler
- chakilgan
- dfg
- DukeEdwardI
- Falc
- marula79
- SpeedxicX
- dessicant
- Lorenzo
- teldango
- pyramoose
- nd
- ✩ ᴍᴊ
- GrooMan
- Makki
- Myrsan
- Rysanlos
- igel2005
- Graye007
- ajharvey
- 𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓮𝔾𝔸ℝ𝔻
- ShyOn92
- AlbyPhenix
- c64gamer
- ̩̥͓͔͒
- Bibora
- Halcyőn
- Dust
- Kakhi
- miskuzmidaku
- whiteblack
- nyaa :<
- Truespeed
- distinctvagueness
- Ashes
- abidzhail
- mchack23
- an_de
- Blur
- gt4
- poetka
- MuddyMaestro
- JadeTigerPlays
- Ryuga
- r3tr0k3r
- Sugi
- sitek4h
- KinkyCyborg
- sexy shortcake-sama
- Cae
- GrumpyArab
- WFeszter
- brainjamin
- Harbonah
- sklavounos_k
- Tekno
- danny_bowen
- Chrono X
- Samurai Vader
- Collector
- MrHToast
- Fylkia
- alphabetsoup
- Lord Mystirio
- ba2
- Dyna
- Lunae
- zabrus
- Nimmy
- Grinn
- Spa
- -=LOGO$=-
- nhex
- mennoberg
- w0w0w0
- Spiral
- JahJahWork
- Koloko
- Haruda
- AuburnRDM
- Artheus
- dragonfly59
- Ali Raza
- Rowtan
- Bitenca
- Nuwanda
- Xtal
- Tomasety III
- Bruto_detests_SB
- tcmendor
- aj
- atropos
- pb
- JacksonTersely
- canislupus_an
- Atataker
- SPHurme
- Lagreca
- El Eternauta
- Luis
- Rabiator
- LPDawid
- devotee
- dotHacker
- SpanneR_RingS
- ★ DRiM ★
- Azure Fang
- ± Roger
- Teletapio
- Sepp
- Beholder
- StormSonic
- burntreynolds
- Blltz
- raulduc
- 🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠)
- jonathankirby21
- Zomby
- Quantum
- Antoine
- theemu
- joseherrera74
- Teklo
- [slckr]robilar5500
- Revadike
- Gelweo
- Moose
- luckz
- Madjoki
- Kimchi Tea
- silly
- Fail Session
- Random
- Al Catapone
- Hyosoung
- tzz
- LordXenu&Friends
- eifelkenny
- Emkas
- Tony Montana
- kev3100
- funkyphonics
- Wixty
- dufftech
- XanthiN
- Skatan
- Rahzadan
- tw1rp
- Magic6
- r6d2
- Pika! Pika!
- Jamo
- k0aster
- Marc
- FlyLeaf
- r3k0
- Minhs2
- mac420
- virotti
- -̶̯͡»̶̥Ş-P-Ŷ-R-Ŏ
- Pægan
- Volundir
- SingJay [Level75]
- Daniel
- Dai
- lazuli
- Sandman
- Leaffar
- Velvet Crown
- pshea40
- TheAnthonyNL
- Dan_13
- socialjeebus
- KaoTiKo
- LegendOfJustin
- chrissilein
- Menacer
- Fleder
- Renarok
- Darth Sidious [PT]
- Ansony1691
- mientus83
- SickTeddyBear
- UnfamiliarCeiling
- gamecreature
- Alex Duria
- mjy
- Вкусные истории
- dumbname4dumbgame
- OnlyTwin
- TouhouFun
- Hyo
- danicard
- Venx_
- Duckster
- mou07
- Krakxx
- ShiftyCZ
- motown_junk51
- ChewbaccaZ
- Turbanator
- _A_pol_A_
- Unfy
- Lt. Labcoat
- Silyus
- oTRONo
- ♚Kakisgr♚
- Erefus
- DrR0Ck
- BrettMan
- Alizarine
- The [K]!LLer Dz
- SenorGrande
- rcter
- Jangkun
- ErrorMan6 [Have a nice day!]
- Pudge
- Mentor3
- desiccatedveins
- Pan Dimensional Being
- GuyWonder22 ♿🎮
- avenx
- EdX80
- Christophe
- headpiece747
- provista
- DrBeckett
- Marver
- flashStroke
- #ca_schaefer
- shockedfrog
- Clint Westwood
- emtilt
- LadyOberon
- idisyesterday
- impaler0815
- Attckcat
- Crank
- Zephrain
- Torva Crinem
- Bioruebe
- nsxhitman8
- DimonD
- atombomb2097
- area51
- Teakupo
- owlx
- C@pric0rn
- Seemannsdämlack
- werelynxo
- schiller3020
- rikker_
- Arkedas
- Yuragon
- Tonic
- TheCrazyCatLady
- SashOK1993ukr
- OneLastKiss
- Nix
- HBNayr
- Daniel
- reciffo
- DakotaThrice
- Skarxing
- ak-ryuu
- ikkiyakki
- Reticulated spline
- Taller-Paul [iRiSHMAN]
- ♫Quilly Shiba
- Dontasciime
- Irenie
- EclipseChaser
- Wind | 蝶戀兒
- Recu
- KIller_Bee
- letsmaybeLP92 (GAME ON!)
- Dr Nibble
- StarscReen