Watch Your Ass

The congressman Oleg Mizulin is a staunch homophobe. He proposes a law to ban all gays of all the land. Oleg argues with one of “them” at the parking lot and tells the man about his villainous plans. The lights go out and now the congressman’s ass is in mortal danger.
Steam game
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Release Date
Base Price$5, last seen at $2 on Steam
OwnersLess than 20,000
Reviews75% Positive (52 positive, 20 negative, potentially 72.2%)
TagsGenre: Indie, Simulation, First-Person, Survival, Exploration, Survival Horror, Walking Simulator, Psychological Horror - User tags: Horror, Parody, Dark Humor, Dark, 3D, Cinematic, Atmospheric, Memes, Psychological, Satire, Funny, Thriller, Dark Comedy - Others: Pending Steam verification
Links IsThereAnyDeal, SteamDB, Spy,
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