Cyber commander: Zombie Revenge

Cyber commander: Zombie Revenge is an exciting game in the Tower Defense genre. Build ingenious lines of defense to withstand the next onslaught of monsters. Will you have enough strategic skills to survive another night?
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Base Price$3, as high as $4
OwnersLess than 20,000
ReviewsN/A (2 positive, 0 negative, potentially 100%)
TagsGenre: Casual, Indie, Strategy, Tower Defense, Base-Building, Top-Down, Tactical, Clicker, Base Building - User tags: Cyberpunk, Zombies, 1980s, Atmospheric, 3D, Post-apocalyptic, Dark Humor, Military, Comedy, Futuristic, Retro, Combat - Others: PvE, Pending Steam verification
Links IsThereAnyDeal, SteamDB, Spy,
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