鬼小队 GhostBros

Ghost Brothers is a rogue-lite where you control a snake of multiple heroes, each with their own attacks, passive skills, and classes. Inspired by the auto-chess genre, each hero in Snake has a set of classes, and combining enough heroes of the same class can give you additional class bonuses.
Steam game
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Studioone game (2)
Base Price$1
OwnersLess than 20,000
Reviews69% Positive (9 positive, 4 negative, potentially 69.2%)
TagsGenre: Action, Casual, Indie, RPG, Strategy, Shooter, Bullet Hell, Survival, Rogue-like, Rogue-lite, Arena Shooter - User tags: Procedural Generation, 2D Platformer, 2D, Cute, Colorful, Relaxing, Magic, Dark, Combat, Auto Battler - Others: Singleplayer, Early Access, Pending Steam verification
Links IsThereAnyDeal (also alternative), SteamDB, Spy, Barter.vg
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