Curse of Blood

This is a game about survival and betrayal. Ten explorers ventured to the corrupted land to prevent the arrival of the Blood Moon. The bad news is that there are werewolves and vampires mixed in.
Steam game
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Release Date
StudioDuang Studio
Base Price$20
OwnersLess than 20,000
Reviews96% Positive (80 positive, 3 negative, potentially 96.4%)
TagsGenre: Action, Adventure, Casual, RPG, Strategy, Action RPG, Third Person, Party-Based RPG, Tactical RPG - User tags: 3D, Medieval, Violent, Gore, Combat - Others: Multiplayer, PvP, Team-Based, Massively Multiplayer, Pending Steam verification
Links IsThereAnyDeal (also alternative), SteamDB, Spy,
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