
A fantasy topdown multiplayer RPG. Features a combination of 8 races and 6 classes. Explore new lands, trade with villages, upgrade runes, unlock new spells, craft, and more! Team with your friends to raid dungeons for special hidden rewards. Defend Dimraeth and choose your own destiny.
Steam game
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TagsGenre: Adventure, RPG, Top-Down, Exploration, Party-Based RPG, Hidden Object, Strategy RPG, Choose Your Own Adventure - User tags: Pixel Graphics, Open World, Crafting, Medieval, Class-Based, Mystery, 2D, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Lore-Rich, Procedural Generation, Inventory Management, Conversation - Others: Multiplayer, PvP, Pending Steam verification
Links IsThereAnyDeal, SteamDB, Spy, Barter.vg
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