Ember Throne Online

Iris Online: The World
Iris Online is a gypsy-themed fantasy MMORPG featuring over 1000 quests, 22 themed instance dungeons, and a Tarot Card system, providing players with a full-featured PvE and PvP action, complemented by cute anime graphics and a Divination System allowing character buffs and monster transformations.
Steam game
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NoteUnreleased (Will be available later on Steam, unless canceled)
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OwnersLess than 20,000
TagsGenre: Action, RPG, Action RPG, Hack and Slash, Third Person, Isometric, MMORPG - User tags: Crafting, Medieval, Fantasy, Magic, Dark Fantasy, Gothic, Dragons, Female Protagonist, Inventory Management, 3D - Others: PvP, Team-Based, PvE, Pending Steam verification
Links IsThereAnyDeal, SteamDB, Spy, Barter.vg
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