Caribbean Legend

Caribbean Legend - Pirate Open-World RPG
An open-world RPG, set in the Golden Age of Caribbean piracy. Embark on a 200-hour-long adventure, plunder cities and ships, explore the unknown, discover treasures, forge friendships, earn bounties on your head, and charm the ladies on your path to ultimate freedom!
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StudioDeveloped by BlackMark Studio (7)
Published by BlackMark Studio (7), Valkyrie Initiative (22)
Base Price$30
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Reviews70% Positive (680 positive, 249 negative, potentially 73.2%)
TagsGenre: RPG, Action RPG, Sandbox, Exploration, Third Person, CRPG, Economy, Choices Matter, Sailing - User tags: Pirates, Open World, Naval, Romance, 3D, Historical, Mystery, Character Customization, Naval Combat, Crafting, Nonlinear, Gun Customization, Conversation - Others: Passed Steam verification
Links IsThereAnyDeal (also alternative), SteamDB, Spy,
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