Near future, in a remote research facility named HERE, the AI system controlling the facility got infected by a virus called RED, and subsequently went rogue, starting to attack humans. Dr. Liu decides to infiltrate this lost facility on his own to face the AI, uncover the truth, and save humanity.
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NoteGone? (Possibly junk or error)
OwnersLess than 20,000
TagsGenre: Action, Adventure, RPG, Strategy, Puzzle, Action RPG, Exploration, Stealth, Action-Adventure, Strategy RPG - User tags: Sci-fi, Story Rich, Post-apocalyptic, Futuristic, Dystopian, Cinematic, Artificial Intelligence, 3D - Others: Singleplayer, Pending Steam verification
Links IsThereAnyDeal, SteamDB, Spy, Barter.vg
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