
独立游戏《九州风流》是一款武侠题材的多人对战卡牌游戏,拥有特色的博弈玩法和武功集卡系统。 你可以抢地盘撸妹子练绝世神功,闯江湖行侠义富甲一方。 末世武林九州割据,六大门派分足鼎立,前世身为武林盟主,不慎遭人陷害流落江湖,你在转世轮回后能否找回记忆重新练就绝世武功,再次一统九州?
Steam game
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Release Date
Base Price$18
OwnersLess than 20,000
Reviews62% Positive (29 positive, 14 negative, potentially 67.4%)
TagsGenre: Adventure, Casual, Indie, RPG, Strategy, RTS, Rogue-lite, Card Game, MOBA, Trading Card Game - User tags: Female Protagonist, Card Battler, 2D Platformer, 2D, Hand-drawn, Anime, Lore-Rich, Alternate History, Romance, Open World, Deckbuilding - Others: Early Access, Massively Multiplayer, Pending Steam verification
Links IsThereAnyDeal, SteamDB, Spy, Barter.vg
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