Swords and Sandals Immortals

Gladiator! Grab your sword, equip your sandals and take on the world in multiplayer Swords and Sandals! Brutal turn-based combat where gladiators can lose limbs, wield guitars and yell so loudly enemy heads will fall off. This is the most fun you'll ever have in the arena!
Steam game
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StudioDeveloped by Whiskeybarrel Studios (10)
Published by eGames.com (10)
Base Price$14, as high as $18
Reviews87% Positive (839 positive, 125 negative, potentially 87%)
TagsGenre: RPG, Strategy, Rogue-like, Rogue-lite, CRPG, 2D Fighter, Tactical RPG, Strategy RPG, Turn-Based Combat, Turn-Based Tactics - User tags: Martial Arts, Turn-Based Strategy, Fantasy, Combat, Colorful, Character Customization, 2D, Medieval, Class-Based - Others: PvP, Early Access, Passed Steam verification - Also compatible with: MacOS, Linux
Links IsThereAnyDeal (also alternative), SteamDB, Spy, Barter.vg
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