Dominant Mind

(Alternative name: Mastermind)
Are you looking for brain games? Get your brain training now! Challenge yourself and improve your logic with this fun mind game. It can be played as an easy entertaining pastime game or addictive brain training game. Challenge yourself and friends with this top board game.
Steam game
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Release Date
StudioPeaksel (16)
Base Price$2, as high as $5
OwnersLess than 20,000
ReviewsN/A (2 positive, 0 negative, potentially 100%)
TagsGenre: Casual, Puzzle, First-Person, Board Game, Point & Click, Education, Software - User tags: Logic, Tabletop, Nonlinear, Funny, Family Friendly, Old School, Retro, 2D, Minimalist - Others: Singleplayer, Pending Steam verification - Also compatible with: MacOS
Links IsThereAnyDeal (also alternative), SteamDB, Spy,
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