Instruments of Destruction

Break thru walls, tear down buildings, and send structures crashing into each other in Instruments of Destruction, a vehicle-action game featuring advanced physics-based destruction. Pilot a variety of vehicles across dozens of missions and high score challenges in this highly-interactive world.
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Release Date
StudioRadiangames (4)
Base Price$20
Reviews94% Positive (868 positive, 53 negative, potentially 94.2%)
TagsGenre: Action, Casual, Indie, Simulation, Strategy, Sandbox, Isometric - User tags: Destruction, Physics, Building, Automobile Sim, Vehicular Combat, Driving, 3D, Funny, Stylized, Modern, Tanks - Others: Singleplayer, Early Access, Partial controller support, Passed Steam verification
Links IsThereAnyDeal (also alternative), SteamDB, Spy,
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