steenbreker Wishlist35 Tradables0 👫︎ Offers0
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Declined From [] Nao 尚
Canceled From broodkiller
Declined From Silyus
Declined From Caviezel
Declined From JoovII
Declined From [] Nao 尚
[] Nao 尚 said: seriously? manual is what you have to do on bvg if you want to import Lt stuff. Lt does semi automatic, because it can't guess for you what you forgot to remove. I love how people complain about things at Lt that wouldn't exist if they invited friends.
Declined From Dyna
Declined From KeyG
Declined From bledcarrot
Declined From Elvin disel
Declined From Omega
Declined From [] Nao 尚
[] Nao 尚 said: okay then.
Declined From Flying Potato
Declined From Nobistik
Declined From CeeJay
Completed From Openthedoor
Declined From ikkiyakki
Declined From cat chiropractor
Declined From Mangiapiombo
Mangiapiombo said: No need to be so toxic, pal. At least I hoped for a counteroffer. Bah.
Declined To Frenoki
Frenoki said: I got it already. :/
Declined From Capo
Declined From Frenoki
Declined From Kronus
Declined From Dustin
Declined From ReDiR
Declined From ReDiR
ReDiR said: fuck you
Canceled From Maestro (it)
Maestro (it) said: confirm, we agreed to cancel....
Declined From Ipanema
Declined From DavidGoodis
Declined From soitin [UkroGT]
Declined From Corvo_Ex
Declined From CeeJay
Declined To northerncluster
Declined From northerncluster
Declined From Corvo_Ex
Completed To Drebian
[] Nao 尚 said: Interfere? I simply checked your 2 offers, they're public you know? Like on your beloved Barter. It's not fair to get a $10 game in exchange for games you actually paid MORE than $30 to get, *even* if they were in a bundle. Since when is a tier 3 worth nothing? Just go away now. I don't want you to bully newcomers like you do. You're a scammer and you know it. You disgust me.
Canceled To Drebian
Declined From Drebian
Declined From tankienmun
Declined From Rozzwellian
Rozzwellian said: Ah, didn't realise. Is there anything else I have to make up for the DlC.
Declined From Frenoki
Declined From trenzalore
Declined From BA DUM ®
Declined From [] Nao 尚
Declined From northerncluster
northerncluster said: Easy up on the drama, dude. Nobody cares. Have a nice day.
Declined From JoZ3
Declined From whiteblack
Declined From Archangel
Declined From distinctvagueness
Declined From JoZ3