Madi - Habeeb Dina Wishlist22 Tradables0 👫︎ Offers1

From poquiosmariachi
Canceled From Krillblade
Krillblade said: PES is unbundled
Declined From Dibujor
Dibujor said: I guess you're not interested? Because it's been on pending for 4 weelks :)
Declined From MrOuiOui
Declined From Zool
Declined To ChO
Declined From BarbaricGenie
Declined To BarbaricGenie
BarbaricGenie said: Do you have them as keys or links?
Canceled To BarbaricGenie
Completed To jm24cule
jm24cule said: yeah add me and we'll discuss the offer via steam chat
Declined From EteRniTy
Declined To Kleidophoros
Declined To El Carlanco
Declined To ChO
Declined To napo
Declined To Openthedoor
Declined To RinToShi
Declined To pastel
Declined To linaki1201
linaki1201 said: thanks for your offer, but I want to use Pillars of Eternity to trade other games,sorry
Declined To HAKIMODO
HAKIMODO said: tradables, wishlist + tradables, wishlist = I have both of them.
Declined To Dienosaurius
Declined To jm24cule
Declined To [] Nao 尚