Kakhi Wishlist31 Tradables0 👫︎ Offers0

Canceled To CTNelson
Canceled To [Lestrades.com] Nao 尚
Completed To [Lestrades.com] Nao 尚
Canceled To chaosfrost
Completed To [Lestrades.com] Nao 尚
Canceled To AJ
Canceled To JoovII
Canceled To mientus83
Canceled To /d/ZDW
Canceled To 💲[PL] CeBeS486💲
Completed To 💲[PL] CeBeS486💲
Completed To 💲[PL] CeBeS486💲
Canceled To Milouze
Declined To 💲[PL] CeBeS486💲
💲[PL] CeBeS486💲 said: Hi again. I can only 2:1. If you can me send any 2:1 send me offer again
Canceled To Kitschyitch
Completed From 💲[PL] CeBeS486💲
💲[PL] CeBeS486💲 said: what you say for that?
Declined To 💲[PL] CeBeS486💲
Canceled To Kitschyitch
Canceled To PrometeheusCZ
Canceled To SingJay [Level75]
Completed From 💲[PL] CeBeS486💲
Declined To 💲[PL] CeBeS486💲
Completed To [Lestrades.com] Nao 尚
Declined To HAKIMODO
[Lestrades.com] Nao 尚 said: To be as clear as possible, it is indeed shown when you click "Send offer": if the game is already in the user's library or if they blacklisted it, Lestrade's will show [tradables] or [blacklist] in red next to the game's name. I'm not preventing the addition of those games to the offer, because they're still in the user's wishlist... It's up to them to clarify why they still want it (there's a custom note tag in Lestrade's that's available for users who'd like to clarify. The custom note will be shown at offer creation time, and even at matching time.)
Canceled To Kitschyitch
Canceled To linaki1201
Declined To BarbaricGenie
Canceled To ahmad.seet
Canceled To cdubb1985
Declined To Minhs2
Declined To 💲[PL] CeBeS486💲
Declined To LPDawid
Completed To Pika! Pika!
Canceled To PraX
Canceled To Kitschyitch
Declined To vamptibor
Declined To Kitschyitch
Completed To [Lestrades.com] Nao 尚
[Lestrades.com] Nao 尚 said: En termes de modif tu as juste supprimé l'un des choix, que je n'aurais pas pris de toute manière. ;-)
Declined To Pika! Pika!
Pika! Pika! said: Sorry, I do not have it. I think something went wrong when adding 'I'm not a Monster'
Canceled To Milouze
Canceled To emtilt
Canceled To cdubb1985
Canceled To AZZOCAT
Declined To Fleder
Canceled To 🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠)
Declined From Capo
Canceled To 炎之風向雞
Declined To Mx772
Canceled To r3tr0k3r
Declined To Martin - ICG
Completed From chaosfrost
Completed To chaosfrost
Completed To CTNelson
Declined From CTNelson
Declined To CTNelson
Completed To BlackDraft
Declined To [Lestrades.com] Nao 尚
[Lestrades.com] Nao 尚 said: Very unbalanced, I'm afraid. That tier 3 has a ton of games, means the individual games have liimited value.
Canceled To Fail Session
Canceled To Kitschyitch
Completed To rafa.vb
Declined To Boci
Completed To r3tr0k3r
Completed To SingJay [Level75]
Declined To BlackDraft
Declined To LRiPPER
Canceled To rafa.vb
Canceled To Bujica
Declined To Chrono X
Chrono X said: Thanks for the offer but unfortunately I already own that game :)
Declined To 🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠)
Canceled To pastel
Canceled From Openthedoor
Openthedoor said: I want division mainly.sorry
Declined To Openthedoor
Completed To [Lestrades.com] Nao 尚
[Lestrades.com] Nao 尚 said: Lol, bon OK je prends à ce stade ;) Pour Overwatch, oui, je sais bien que c'est très demandé, le jeu étant à plus de 20€ sur g2a... Et je doute qu'il soit rebundlé de sitôt. Et comme les Humble Monthly sont galères à avoir en plusieurs exemplaires (j'ai un alt sur HB mais quelle plaie d'y accéder juste pour prendre un mois de HB, tout ça pour "spéculer"...), ça influence la rupture de stock. Pour moi, le seul intérêt de RPG Maker MV c'est qu'on peut faire son scripting en JavaScript, qui est mon langage préféré. Mais bon, je me laisserais bien tenter par un projet en 100% JS, comme CrossCode a pu l'être. (Même si, quand même, c'est chaud, le code "unobfuscated". J'ai toujours été frileux là-dessus, sauf quand je pars à la base avec l'idée d'un projet open-source, comme Wedge.)
Completed From Alex [A.H.K.]
Canceled To PrometeheusCZ
Declined To Kamic
Completed To Kitschyitch
Completed To chaosfrost
Declined To JoovII
Canceled To Grinn
Completed To Kitschyitch
Completed To Kitschyitch
Completed To lukysoft
Completed To Kitschyitch
Kitschyitch said: Great trader. Very sensible trade and done quickly.
Canceled To boloxer (1:1 sets, 14 cards/set)
Completed From whiteblack
Declined To whiteblack
Canceled To 炎之風向雞
Completed To mennoberg
Canceled To BlackDraft
Canceled To XanthiN
Completed To lukysoft
Declined To girolamocastaldo
girolamocastaldo said: I don't update my lists here anymore, so please send an offer to https://barter.vg/u/1f2/ instead
Declined To StarBreakX
Declined To Capo
Capo said: Unbundled for monthly, hell no.
Declined To lukysoft
Canceled To linaki1201
Canceled To XanthiN
Completed From boloxer (1:1 sets, 14 cards/set)
Declined To _A_pol_A_
Declined To ChO
Declined To Martin - ICG
Declined To Fail Session
Declined To _A_pol_A_
Completed From Martin - ICG
Declined To Martin - ICG
Canceled To mac420
Declined To Martin - ICG
Declined To Kitschyitch
Declined To Bcc
Declined To awklittlefoot
Declined To Douzeju
Douzeju said: For example, i'd gladly trade for a copy of Hidden Folks or Super Fancy Pants Adventure... if you can find a copy :)
Completed To Akylen
Completed To Koloko
Canceled To oTRONo
Declined To whiteblack
Declined To vertigo
Completed To Lichtheld
Lichtheld said: I am very sorry for the unexpected delay but I have to ask for a little more patience. I will send you the keys by tomorrow. Thank you for your understandings.
Canceled To ± Roger
Declined From Lichtheld
Lichtheld said: ok, no problem. :-)
Declined To ChO
Completed To Lord Mystirio
Declined To ChO
Declined To Arma
Declined To mientus83
Declined To slyfox
Canceled To w0w0w0
Completed To BrettMan
Canceled To luckz
Completed To _A_pol_A_
_A_pol_A_ said: Please let me go first with the game.
Declined To Beholder
Completed To [Lestrades.com] Nao 尚
Canceled To /d/ZDW
Declined To Fail Session
Canceled To emtilt
Declined To [Lestrades.com] Nao 尚
[Lestrades.com] Nao 尚 said: windborne alone is worth more than all of these.. (removed, steam gift.)
Canceled To Grinn
Grinn said: So sorry, I clicked the wrong button. No longer available.
Declined To JadeTigerPlays
Declined To Seb147
Seb147 said: Already got them, sorry, lestrades library wasn't synced
Declined To raulduc
raulduc said: sorry, got it in barter
Completed To lukysoft
Completed To [Lestrades.com] Nao 尚
[Lestrades.com] Nao 尚 said: it certainly is, thanks. I'll be on my pc when I'm done putting my kid to bed. ;)
Declined To [Lestrades.com] Nao 尚
[Lestrades.com] Nao 尚 said: given that f1 is in a tier 1 right now I'm buying it. which leaves us with hello kitty which is rated 45%. it has a similar ratio to wind, but wind is a steam gift (more valuable), and removed from steam forever. I don't really know how to make it work. o can offer you Luke Sidewalker out of our matches, I don't know what else to offer.
Declined To willKane
Completed To Teklo
Canceled To cl0ud
Canceled To r3tr0k3r
Declined To Lex
Canceled To r3tr0k3r
Declined To Fail Session
Declined To Ashes
Canceled To Gryphonheart
Canceled To Turbanator
Canceled To devotee
Canceled To Logen9Fingers
Declined To zan3467
Completed To Teklo
Completed To Lex
Declined To PraX
Declined To Kronk
Declined To Lord Mystirio
Declined From soitin [UkroGT]
Declined To Beldar
Declined To soitin [UkroGT]
Canceled To NeedRed
Declined To I DO KNOW JACK
Completed To mennoberg
Declined To Logen9Fingers
Declined To Kronk
Canceled To I DO KNOW JACK