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The Illustrious Idea / Re: Ignore feature idea (if it would get developed)
« Today at 06:45 AM »The reason I didn't implement an ignore feature is precisely that when I started trading I was unaware of how people viewed game values, and I tended to send shitty offers. This got me ignored by a couple of the biggest traders at the time, and I didn't even realize it for a long time.
What I'd like to do is an ignore option that would tell the trader, in the matches page, "please tread carefully". That could be permanent, but revoked.
I like the idea of a yellow card. Maybe an icon for that. Also shown in the finished offer. If the card issuer thinks it's still a bad offer, they could issue a red card. In this case, you'd still be able to contact the user by private message to appeal for them to remove the red card, but if they won't, it's over.
That's only a two strike system, but I think 5 strikes would be too aggravating in the end.
The idea really is to prevent bad offers, but still allow communication.Posted: Yesterday at 09:47 PM
I forgot to mention there is already a skip feature in the matches page. It won't hide your matches with someone, but will fold them and get them out of your way, with the ability to unfold them and stop skipping.
Because I think this kind of situation doesn't warrant an ignore feature, and it can be used simply when you know someone really is only looking for unbundled games.