Mr. Min Wishlist275 Tradables503 👫︎ Offers15
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From ajharvey
Unread To nhex
Unread To Rauchen
Pending To Vlalentijn
1 of these 2 :Racine, Ugly
for :Skullgirls
Unread To Geon
Unread To 88888888
Unread To Kleidophoros
Unread To elronzorro
Unread To FIN
Unread To Jaga -[HUN]-
Unread To ykcbilly
Pending To AJ
Unread To cowbutt6
1 of these 3 :Vertigo, ICEY, Jack Move
for :Risk of Rain 2
Unread To Ckaustrophobic
Pending To Cy
Completed From nhex
Declined To emtilt
Declined From Torva Crinem
Canceled To FIN
Declined From Ganimer
Completed From ajharvey
Declined To BlackDraft
Declined To ajharvey
Declined To Luacs
Declined To emtilt
Canceled To Faust
Declined From 極道
Completed To KeitaroUrashima
Completed To KeitaroUrashima
Completed To Revadike
Declined From Ganimer
Completed To emtilt
emtilt said: sent via pm
Declined To Ganimer
Declined From Revadike
Declined To Revadike
Declined To nhex
nhex said: I'll take a better look over the weekend
Completed To emtilt
emtilt said: Sorry for the delay in responding. Do you still want to do this one?
Canceled To FerreiraCES
Completed To Revadike
Canceled To _A_pol_A_
Canceled To Xenovs
Declined From Zseri [HUN]
Canceled To Zseri [HUN]
Declined To Zseri [HUN]
Declined To loolchand
loolchand said: Not worth it to me
Declined To loolchand
Completed From KeitaroUrashima
Declined To KeitaroUrashima
Declined To Zawarudo
Declined To nhex
Declined To Stranger
Declined To Pika! Pika!
Pika! Pika! said: Thanks for the offer, but I can get a bit better prices elsewhere, so the offer is not that interesting to me I am sorry to say.
Canceled To AJ
Declined To nhex
Declined From ormax3
Declined To ormax3
Declined To nick_kharkiv
Completed To emtilt
emtilt said: Sent your game via Lestrades PM. Please send your side of the trade via PM, too, if possible.
Declined To Nao 尚
Nao 尚 said: 1:1 for a rare Steam gift...? 😅
Declined To ajharvey
Canceled To emtilt
Completed To emtilt
emtilt said: Sent your game via Lestrades PM. Please send your side of the trade via PM, too, if possible.
Completed To emtilt
emtilt said: Sent your game via Lestrades PM. Please send your side of the trade via PM, too, if possible.
Declined To nick_kharkiv