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Messages - Douzeju
The Noble Talk / Re: Problems I've faced as a newbie on this site
« on June 26th, 2022, 09:19 PM »
Quote from []Nao 尚 on February 6th, 2022, 11:37 PM
As for banners, it'd have to be stored in the database, but I forgot the format for that, and most importantly, where in the code I should update stuff. (I would post it on github, if only I were convinced that some users would be tempted to help with development. As of now, I have 99% confidence it won't change anything, so why bother.)
I'm pretty confident a good chunk of traders are also quite knowledgeable in coding :p even if the active userbase isn't huge, a little announcement saying the codebase is now open for suggestions and merge request could lead to a fresh stream of activity from newcomers and older userds alike. Or not, i might be wrong.