Mike Wishlist42 Tradables171 👫︎ Offers0

Declined To MYKILL!
Declined To BlackDraft
Declined From PureMagic
Completed To ChO
Declined From ChO
Declined To Chrono X
Chrono X said: Thanks for the offer but I already own that game :)
Declined To ghostzer0
Completed From canislupus_an
canislupus_an said: I'll take Orcs Must Die 2, thanks!
Completed From Akylen
Declined To Akylen
Declined To jm24cule
Declined From Akylen
Declined To LPDawid
Declined To Akylen
Canceled From ChewbaccaZ
Declined To ChewbaccaZ
Declined To [Lestrades.com] Nao 尚
[Lestrades.com] Nao 尚 said: And I mean, even all of our matches together would probably net you a decline... But at least it wouldn't be the same as this 1:1 offer.