。∠( ◜◡‾)っ✂╰⋃ Wishlist2 Tradables0 👫︎ Offers2

Unread To StormSonic
Unread To AuburnRDM
Canceled To devotee
Declined To Clint Westwood
Declined To /d/ZDW
Declined To r6d2
r6d2 said: >Hi! I'm sorry, mate, but there's no good match on the HW ratios (supply/demand) and could not find a suitable match for a counter. Thanks anyway.
Declined To Freilyreydia
Declined To sillythings
sillythings said: Thanks, it's a fair offer but Nevermind is not really very high up on my list of games I want to trade for.
Declined To sillythings
Declined To Travis
Declined To EnemyWithin
Declined To ShyOn92
Canceled To ShyOn92
Declined To bledcarrot
Completed To The Embraced One
Canceled To ShyOn92
Declined To Tonic
Declined To 馬德里Javikiki
Completed To Jac Falcon (Thaddeus Patrick)
Jac Falcon (Thaddeus Patrick) said: I sent you the key in a message here on Lestrade's so you can message the key back here too :)
Canceled To ba2
Canceled To danig24
Declined To nappapote
nappapote said: Already have the game
Declined To nappapote
Completed To Akylen
Declined To StarBreakX
Declined To Oblivion
Declined From Akylen
Declined To ovoxo
Canceled To Akylen
Akylen said: Please accept my offer. Will be swift
Declined To Downward Concept
Completed To ByLeoN
Declined To ByLeoN
Declined To StarBreakX
Declined To Akylen
Akylen said: Sorry for the delay. Feel it is not worth for me. Regardless, thanks for the offer
Declined To Winter
Declined To willKane
Declined To Winter
Declined To Openthedoor
Declined To willKane
Declined To willKane
Completed To DavidGoodis
Canceled To StormSonic
Declined To ByLeoN