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Messages - [] Nao 尚
The Noble Talk / Re: What's up at Lestrade's?
« on March 20th, 2017, 05:58 PM »
No comments on the above? I thought it was worthy of debate ;)

Progress of the day (not available to the public): can now properly do offers like '4 out of 5'. With check boxes or radio buttons, and a script that disables unselected items.
It sounds so ...easy. why did it take me three hours to implement. >_<,
The Noble Talk / Re: What's up at Lestrade's?
« on March 19th, 2017, 08:15 PM »
If you're referring to the fact that 0:x items are sorted randomly among themselves, it's just because they all have a ratio of zero... I can fix it by setting a fake Have value of 0.1, if you want. But then some 1:Y games will be better ranked if y>x*10... and a 0.01 multiple would get rounded to zero. That's why I didn't do it (yet).
The Noble Talk / Re: What's up at Lestrade's?
« on March 19th, 2017, 06:44 PM »
New feature: you can now sort your tradables & wishlist by recent/older order. This is the default right now, but I still had to implement it in case you wanted to come back to it.

PS: not available for libraries because the default order over there is playtime[1], and I'd have to do an extra query to sort them all by recent order-- plus, there really isn't a recent order for now, as games are depending on what order Steam is sending them in. Anyway...
 1. Which was done so that people with large libraries could check out their times without waiting too long for their Steam page to load.
The Noble Talk / Re: Site Traffic?
« on March 19th, 2017, 06:09 PM »
Vesta is interesting but has bugs when using let's encrypt. (Iirc they only happen if you have a reverse proxy so you should be safe.)

Regarding brotli, I'm not asking for an Apache extension but a php extension. The difference is with php I compress the css and js files once, save them in a cache folder, and the rest is up to supported browsers (Firefox and chrome). The savings are about 10% compared to the gz version. That means about 5 to 8KB per page load (with an empty cache of course). It's not much but I like saving bytes. Those who use Wedge could confirm. I'm obsessed with low resource usage. Which is my only reason for asking for brotli and http2.
The Fatal Problem / Re: Help test Lestrade's!
« on March 19th, 2017, 04:19 PM »
Yes, I wrote a scraper last year, scraped all of their bundles until something like January, and then proceeded to fix a lot of them (early bundles had different ways of being handled). Then I got bored by the job and didn't bother to automate processing new bundles. Also, I wasn't sure whether or not I should import pending bundles, since it makes adding new bundles faster, but also more prone to errors + duplicates. Plus, the scraper doesn't support re-scraping already visited bundles-- so it's a problem for bundles like the current Humble Jumbo.

I estimate that the bundle situation won't move much for now, but I may try and fix the scraper to at least get it up to date with recent bundles. And maybe do that manually once in a while. It's not a complicated job, I just need to jump back into it.
The Fatal Problem / Re: Help test Lestrade's!
« on March 19th, 2017, 10:27 AM »
Good, good!

Yes, library data is coming from Steam exclusively, contrary to the rest. Importing wishlists & co already takes an hour per scrape, adding libraries would probably add an extra hour, all for nothing because right now the website doesn't make use of anything.

I'll keep in mind that maybe I should import Barter libraries as a basis for the new database, after which the regular Steam library import will take over on a regular basis.

Gosh, I need to have a to-do-list somewhere...
The Noble Talk / Re: What's up at Lestrade's?
« on March 19th, 2017, 10:25 AM »
Oh, it won't be okay even after release. I'm used to it by now... It'll be okay for 90% of users but 10% will have problems, which I'll fix. It's a developer's life after all.
What I'm focusing right now is on making it work for one person (me), then when it's 100% working for me, I'll make it work for a select few beta testers, and when it works 100% for them I'll make it public, then after that I'll work on fixing it for everyone else.

With the caveat, as I explained before, that the current database is based off Barter IDs for users, rather than Lestrade's IDs, meaning there might be a moment (maybe a few minutes, maybe several minutes) when nothing works for anyone. But it's a necessary (painful) step for the site to take off on its own.
The Noble Talk / Re: What's up at Lestrade's?
« on March 19th, 2017, 12:32 AM »
Well, I was busy with real life today, so it's not for today. :(
And tomorrow I might only have a couple hours free. Geez.
I'm so close to completion, though. I know I don't have to hurry up, as long as it doesn't take a year to implement that, but still I'm disappointed in myself for not being able to deliver sooner. Ah, if only I liked coffee... I could use a couple nights without sleep.
The Fatal Problem / Re: Help test Lestrade's!
« on March 18th, 2017, 04:55 PM »
Quote from Donpeste on March 18th, 2017, 02:39 PM
Sorting tradables seems to be working randomly?
I... don't think so?
It's not remembered across pages or refreshes, if that's what you mean. Not a priority right now. Also, the original sort order is usually 'recent items', but for the third party trader you're offering to (which, I know, not available etc.), it's currently a random order, because meh.
Quote from Donpeste on March 18th, 2017, 02:39 PM
Will there be Wants and Haves sorting?
I don't know, is it needed? I'll add them if I feel like I need them.
In the meantime you can use the Ratio sort. If I add Haves & Wants, I may reserve Ratio sorting for premium users so... be careful what you ask for :niark:
The Noble Talk / Re: What's up at Lestrade's?
« on March 18th, 2017, 04:38 PM »
Reminder: trade offer system is NOT available to the public yet.

- offer system status: can create offer, choose number of items per side, edit offer while creating it, submit offer, view list of pending offers from me or from others, view offers invididually, accept or decline.
- Not implemented yet: choosing individual items when there's a "4 out of 5" situation (I forgot to add a flag to my database, ahah, I'll have to rethink that because this table will be huge.....), editing offer after it's sent, cancel offer, mark as completed, countering offer.

Every time I finish something I just run to the forums to say I'm close to release. Then I look at this list and I realize "gosh, this is all gonna take another couple of days..."
So much fun!
The Fatal Problem / Re: Help test Lestrade's!
« on March 18th, 2017, 10:48 AM »
Yeah I will.

Okay, I've modified my internals so that you can now sync your duplicate items. I think it will work, although it didn't change anything for me since I already fixed my dupes yesterday. ^^

Please tell me guys if this fixes your numbers. This'll be the last opportunity to check for Barter discrepancies before I do 'the' final scrape.
Posted: March 18th, 2017, 09:25 AM

BTW, I stand corrected, Barter finally imported my wishlist data yesterday.
The Illustrious Idea / Re: Importing Tradables
« on March 17th, 2017, 11:04 PM »
Ah ah, a sandwich...
I used to launch a game of Spider Solitaire while waiting. I would move the window so that I can see the browser page show the matches as soon as they're up. It was ridiculous-- last year the average waiting time was 1 minute, then this year it was 5 minutes for me, and I have average sized wishlists & tradables, so... Yeah, I did well here. ;)
The secret, of course, is to do everything in a few queries, rather than a series of queries *per game you own*, like Barter probably did...

BTW, I just fixed a bug in the import queue system that broke it about 9 hours ago. Someone synced their wishlist, then apparently (I think?) stopped the process and left (or was unlucky enough to ask for a sync right when LT finished doing its automatic sync, which won't be a problem after this weekend anyway). This resulted in their queued request never being executed, and since it's a queue, well... You know what I mean.
I fixed it so that after a while it just removes any entry that's in first position, until eventually someone gets their own stuff done.
Hopefully the problem won't happen again, but it also means none of the sync requests were honored today. This'll be fixed in a couple hours automatically, of course.
The Noble Talk / Re: Site Traffic?
« on March 17th, 2017, 09:53 PM »
Should I take into account the piece where you don't want to install php extensions (even though it's the first extension I've been asking for and it's entirely to your benefit), or the piece where you ask us to be responsible about bandwidth use? ;)

More seriously i think that this is the kind of extension that you won't need to reinstall once it's done... it's a generic implementation, not a full featured platform. ^^ and I only asked again because you never flat out refused, so I'm surprised you'd say that now.
The Fatal Problem / Re: Help test Lestrade's!
« on March 17th, 2017, 07:38 PM »
Note: I've figured out why I was removing (game + store) duplicates. That's because that's how I know which item to delete when I'm updating the database with new tradables from Barter... *except* I've actually never got around to doing that: I used to say "people will have their tradables on LT and will be able to import from Barter in case they keep using it", except by now it'd be totally silly to keep using Barter once the offer system is in place, ahah... So, no reason to remove such games. So I'll be changing my code, don't bother!
I'll be doing big changes internally to accomodate for the offer system though-- 90% of my code accounts for people having Barter accounts and addresses them by Barter ID, rather than LT ID. There is a big chance that when I enable the trade system, there will be a few hours where no one will be able to make any matches at all, or the site may even be down (or crash) while I'm downloading Barter data one last time before shutting down the Barter list scraper.

It's a complicated step, so please bear with me. The offer system is 'working' (barely...... But it's fucking working and it's the first time in a week I've been able to create an offer and show it in my offer list), but I need to completely sever ties with Barter as a result. It shouldn't be a problem because there are nearly 700 users here, I think..? So I'll be importing data from these 700 users. You'll no longer be getting 'inactive' user matches, although I'll end up doing something similar based on last online date. (But it's not implemented yet.)

Real life update: we're Friday night here, my kid got back from the nanny's and I'll be off for a few hours. Once he's asleep I'll get to spend another couple hours on the site, but it's unlikely I'll setup the big import for tonight. So I'm planning it for tomorrow instead. Fingers crossed!!
The Fatal Problem / Re: Help test Lestrade's!
« on March 17th, 2017, 05:54 PM »
I'm surprised, normally your removed games should still be there, but with a 'removed' flag next to them... (I tested on castle of illusion when it got removed from everyone who bought a key.)

As for barter, I think steam list imports broke forever when login broke. As if their api key got revoked, actually... (but steam would probably tell us their key was revoked.)